Did you ever heard about banner exchange??? You can make one now and earn thousands of dollars within a few month!!! It's an excellent revenue generating traffic tool!!! You can advertise your own website network with its help! Plus you make 100% of advertising and traffic services. The banner exchange site is both free and paid with free accounts operating 100% automated. How it works The free/paid banner exchange provides a 2:1 banner ration (of which the administrator can change), which means for every two banner impression that loads on a user loads on their website, they get one impression of their banner on a member site. Every other banner impression is filled by a house promoting the exchange. For paid services, this site boasts paid credits and banner advertising on the main website. In addition this banner exchange has an anti-cheat referral system that promotes the exchange itself. You set the referral credits for your members. With no extra fees other than hosting, this site is a serious traffic generation and advertising based money making tool. Requirements: Unix, Linux or Windows server, PHP 4.3.4 or later MySQL 3.23.58 or later