Friendster Script
Friendster Script
Friendster Script
R$ 25,00
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This website offers one of the most popular search information services on the web (DATING).

- In 2003 it was estimated that three million people paid for an online dating service listing. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- In the first half of 2003, consumers spent over $214 million for online dating services. This number is 76 percent higher than the same time last year. (Source: Online Publishers Association)
- On average, those paying for online dating services spend a total of $239 per year. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- It is estimated that the financial growth of online dating will reach $642 million in 2008. (Source: Jupiter Research)
- Consumers spent $214.3 million on personals and dating content during the first half of 2003, up 76 percent from the same period in 2002. (Source: Online Publishers Association).
High-End custom template - never before on ebay!
Google Adsense integrated
Convenient site statistics for the? administrator.
Options for search-engine optimization, including meta tags and URL-rewriting
Add multiple administrators, and specify super users.
AFFILIATE PROGRAM already integrated - Pay others a percentage to bring in members!
Dozens of global configuration options, easily accessible and changeable within the admin panel.
Advanced Flash-based image editor for your members.
Affiliates system with administrator controls and statistics.
Advanced, web-based banner management. Specify start and end dates for which banners should be displayed.
Powerful extended search option. Search for profiles using any of a dozen search criteria.
A built-in, Flash instant messenger is available to your members so that they can send notes to other users who are online.
Picture rating system for logged-in members.? You decide how many pictures they can upload according to the plans and prices?you set up.
In/out box is available to your members, so that they can easily communicate with others via . This is like a built-in mail client. You can adjust the user permissions so that this feature is only available to members having a certain level of access.
Upon login, members have available to them a member panel, where they can quickly access FlashChat, Forums, IM, Polls and other useful and addictive tools.
Allow members to quickly upgrade their membership, and compare features among various membership levels, using this membership comparison chart. Set up your own price plans!
The site administrator can easily specify the privileges for any membership type, and even create new membership types or delete existing ones.
My Matches feature allows any member to instantly view other users who match their search preferences.
All pages and news items can be easily changed using a WYSIWYG editor (HTMLArea) via the admin panel.
News and Articles easily added, modified or deleted by Admin.? Promote your other businesses!
Advanced newsletter feature allows the site administrator to send messages out to any group of members.
Multiple payment methods are available, and fully configurable via the admin panel.
Create instant polls for your users, which are displayed within the? template. Find out what your users really think about online romance!
The admin panel includes advanced profile management. Activate or deactivate any profile, edit profile details, sort by name/gender/status, and much more!
Thumbnail display options exist for profile searches. Members can see a quick summary of their searches, and paginate through potentially hundreds of pages of profiles.
Quickly and easily edit any section question, re-order questions, add new questions, enable/disable questions, etc. In short, you can make fully configure the profile wizard for new users all from the? administration panel.